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Dafilon (B.Braun)    

Dafilon (B.Braun)

Mass absorption time 2 - 4 years
Inexpensive monofilement suture made of polymers Polyamide, featuring good knot tensile strength and good histocompatibility, particularly advantageous for skin closures. Non-absorbable.
Item Nr. Description  
N101501 Dafilon blue, USP 4/0 (metric 1,5),
Needle DS-19, 75 cm, 3 dozen, C0935204
N101502 Dafilon blue, USP 3/0 (metric 2),
Needle DS-24, 75 cm, 3 dozen, C0933392
N101503 Dafilon blue, USP 2/0 (metric 3),
Needle DS-24, 75 cm, 3 dozen, C0935360
All prices exclusive of VAT plus shipping costs